
Thursday 29 March, 2012

           PRINCIPLES OF QUANTUM MECHANICS                                               
1.      What are matter waves? Explain their properties. Obtain the expression for the wavelength of the matter waves.
2.      Calculate the wavelength associated with an electron raised to 1600V.
3.      Explain the concept of matter waves. Derive the expression for de-Broglie wavelength.
4.      Explain the consequences of uncertainty principle.
5.      Explain the de-Broglie hypothesis.
6.      State and explain uncertainty principle. Using uncertainty principle, explain the absence of electrons in the nucleus.
7.      Show that the energies of a particle in a potential box are quantized.
8.      Explain the Fermi-Dirac distribution function of electrons. Explain the effect of temperature on the distribution.
9.      Write notes on source of electrical resistance.
10.  Derive time independent schrodinger wave equation for a free particle.
11.  Explain the physical significance of a wave function.
12.  Explain the origin of energy bands in solids. On the basis of band theory explain how the crystalline solids are classified into metals, semiconductors and insulators.
13.  Show that the wavelength of an electron accelerated by a potential difference ‘V’ volts, is λ=1.227/√V m for non-relativistic case.
14.  Explain the differences between matter waves and electromagnetic waves.
15.  An electron is bound in a one-dimensional infinite well of width 1×10-10m.Find the energy values in the ground state and first two excited states.
16.  Explain Kronig-Penny model for a free electron.


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